have decided to focus on these two advertisements for Joop Perfume, it is aimed towards men and shows the male model in a very dominant role, the women within the images is submissive, linking to sexual desire. This kind of imagery appeals to men as they believe that by purchasing these products they to could be part of that kind of lifestyle. The fact the Female in the image has her back towards the camera and has her face buried in the mans neck suggests that she feel like she is protected by him once again linking to the idea that the male plays the dominant role and the more important powerful one. The image show the female doting upon the male, however he is looking elsewhere, this could suggest that she is controlled by him and by having more than half the image as her back she is decharacterized and instead acts as the entire female race, she is purely to look at. "In this society, looking has become a crucial aspect of sexual relations, not because of any natural impulse, but because it is one of the ways in which domination and subordination are expressed." This quote explains that this looking gesture is a sign of male domination and how the female gazing away puts her further into submission.
The way she has turned her body away from the camera and into his neck shows that her behaviour is no longer conscious and instead of acting on impulse she now acts the way he wants her too, as if it has been programmed into her, by society. She is passive to what he expects of her and so once again he is in control. "The relations involved in looking enmesh with coercive beliefs about the appropriate sexual behaviour for men and women." This note makes the point of arguing that all over society individuals are forced into roles, wether they be dominant or submissive, in order to act us to sexual expectation of society as a whole. The way that the women is facing the man , and giving him her full attention shows agin how she could be categorised as a sex object, he is pushing her away as he walks on, which shows how he is too important to be involved in this behaviour, or had something more important to do. Some may perceive this as the women trying to fulfil the traditional role of a women, where she has less important affair to attend than the man and spends her time away from the work place, in order to look after the man and care for his needs sexually and domestically.
Advertisements such as this ones above are in most cases created by men with men in mind, therefore they give men the idea that they should be dominant, even if they are not, "Clearly this comfort is connected with feeling secure or powerful. Women are bound to this power precisely because visual impressions have been elevated to the position of holding the key to our psychic well-being, our social success, and indeed to whether or not we will be loved'. The gazes itself allows men to gain confidence by creating the is dominant persona but all it does for women is create a conformist new which women 'should' follow in order for a man to fall in love with them, if they do not fit this role they will never get married/ have children etc. In addition to this many would argue that in the past women have been controlled by religious, social or domestic institutions, as well as the state and the family, however now women are also cnrolled by visual ideals, which is encouraged by media, they are scrutinised by the media to fit into these roles and therefore this has a negative impact on there mental perception of themselves.
Advertisements such as this ones above are in most cases created by men with men in mind, therefore they give men the idea that they should be dominant, even if they are not, "Clearly this comfort is connected with feeling secure or powerful. Women are bound to this power precisely because visual impressions have been elevated to the position of holding the key to our psychic well-being, our social success, and indeed to whether or not we will be loved'. The gazes itself allows men to gain confidence by creating the is dominant persona but all it does for women is create a conformist new which women 'should' follow in order for a man to fall in love with them, if they do not fit this role they will never get married/ have children etc. In addition to this many would argue that in the past women have been controlled by religious, social or domestic institutions, as well as the state and the family, however now women are also cnrolled by visual ideals, which is encouraged by media, they are scrutinised by the media to fit into these roles and therefore this has a negative impact on there mental perception of themselves.
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