Monday 15 October 2012

Psychoanalysis Seminar

Psychoanalysis -Unconscious  By Freud
The Century of the self

Found forces within humans being which can cause destruction,

Happiness machines 
powerful and aggressing feeling which originated from our animalistic pasts,suppressed for our own benefit.
ww2 proved Frued's findings and argued that this is how we should have expected people to behalf due to our animalistic behaviour.
Bernase was asked to promote america during ww2 in a peace conference. He used proper gander to promote peace, he became a public relations councillor.

He tried to encourage women to smoke as there was a taboo against it at the time, he found out what cigarettes meant to women. he found that cigarettes were a symbol of the penis, and power, and independence
he made suffragettes smoke in public at an event, they were called torches of freedom, it was said that women would smoke them as then they would have inderpendace and power, similar to what men had.

American decide that mens desires needed to over come his needs, consumer culture began, people started to own things they wanted but didn't really need, Bernase created a new type of american culture, he place adverts with film stars into magazines and dressed movie stars in clothes from other places he worked in, he organised fashion shoots in departments stores.

The Americans are no longer citizens they are consumers, he encouraged people to be involved in stocks and shares, by borrowing money from the bank.

Bernase argued that the public could easily be lead on the wrong path, The president agreed with bernase and argued that advertisers had created people who were constantly happy and optimistic, always looking into the future, Consumerism was seen as a positive thing,

Capitalism constantly expands and that was what happened i american, they invented better wasy to produce things faster, this all happened after the war, american quickly reached a place where things were being produced too fast and so people were not buying the stuff. they stared to create false needs for things so that people felt like they needed things when they didn't really need things. This all linked to sexuality and how many products had an attachment to different thing, for example cigarettes challenge male power, it gave women power which they never had, as well as independence and strength, by being a symbol of the penis.

In the advertising code of practice in britain, tobacco is no longer allowed to be linked to

  • Glamour 
  • Success in Business 
  • Sport
  • Masculinity of Femininity 
  • they are not allowed to actively persuade people to start smoking. 

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