Kate Forester is an illustrator who works with type and image, she often does work for companies such as Macdonalds, Tiffany, Harvy Nichols and many more, Her work is relevant to my project as she does a lot of typography, my aim is to produce my own type to use in my final piece, her work is very stylish and detailed, i hope that my own work can have a similar style to it. Here is some of her work from the last year.
Kate Forrester's work looks like it has been hand rendered, this style works well for me, especially her Calligraphy one, it is perfectly done and almost looks digital, her work is very feminine and most probably appeals to more women than men.
(((Jess Hirsk)))
Jess hirsks work has also been very influential though out this project her work is more Digital but still look every feminine a lot of the time and is mainly based on typography. The colours she uses are always simple and no more than three at a time, usually Black and another. The typography is particular delicate and very detailed.
On ce again her designs are very Feminine, they have swirls and often a romanticised type face, they are Dream like and look like they would be in a Fantasy story. This was one of the reasons why They link into my project
This piece of work was made for a Article on "the real housewives of Atlanta" the Font is made up of illustrated Rhinestones, showing the type of audience she works for.

This is my favourite piece of Jess Hirsks work, The colours are so effective in advertising this particular font, its light and reminds me of 1950's recipe books which links to the name of the font "buttermilk- Its very Suburban housewife ask.
This piece of typography is has given me a great amount of inspiration, the way the letters are all different a makes it so individual and breathtaking, the colours she has used are vibrant and unexpected but all work together even thought there is no particular theme or even set of colours. Every single letter is totally different but they all work tougher as a piece.