- To form by combining materials or parts
- To order, finance, or supervise the construction of something
- To develop or give form to according to a plan or process; create or build a nation for example
- To increase or strengthen by adding gradually to: like money building interest in a savings account.
- To make something by combining materials or parts.
- To engage in the construction or design of buildings.
- To develop in magnitude or extent
- To progress toward a maximum, as of intensity

I wanted to include some images of Alphabets just to get some ideas for shapes of letters, I really liked these particular ones which I researched for our summer project.the ones i have chosen as examples are relevant to my project as they are all "built up" from different objects and materials.
I have looked at Alphabet sets as i wanted to research layout and how the letters work together.
After looking at alphabets I looked more specifically at the letter which I was going to focus on, I have included some example of the letters which I am basing my letters on.
As well as looking at individual letters I have also researched typography which is related to the word build, i wanted to gather some type which used Build in different contexts. Such as the text below, which is made up of different materials.

I really liked this type it works well and fits in with the word "build"