I began by Creating these image below, It is supposed to look like a women with wild hair but I have used circles as they were very popular within patterns in the 1960's.

I then started to work on the what would go on the background of the Album Cover, i liked the idea of using really bright colours as the 60's were fully of psychedelic patterns and colours often influenced by drugs and the effects which they have on vision and thought.
I wanted the design to have a depth to it and so I added layers to it, however I didn't like the colours used her so I changed them so they they were less visible and so the opacity was much lower and you could see through them.
This is what the pattern looked like after changing the colour and pattern slightly, i think the colours work much better as they are brighter and more eye-catching. Overall more similar to a design from the 1960's.
I added my pattern onto the background which I created and then started to add coloured boarders so that the Cover layout was correct.
The type which i used was Pincoyablack Black, it is bold and typical of the 1960's as it really makes a statement.
After adding everything together this is what the front cover looked like.
I then created the rest of the publication using similar imagery. Below is the sticker which was placed onto the CD with the Content about 1960's design and music.
Back of the Publication
Content of the actual publication
Final Publication
Overall i m pleased with the way the publication has turned out, i found creating the 60's was the most enjoyable as i think it is a period of time which i am personally very interested in. I created all my own content for this one as i found it easiest to write about. Whereas for the other two i used content from the internet.
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